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Location >> Home >> Product >> Pyrrosia lingua
Views:6583  |  From:xi'an Qingping Plant Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

Name: Pyrrosia lingua

Category: eliminating dampness through diuresis medicine

Pinyin: SHI WEI

Latin: Folium Pyrrosiae

Alias: stone skin, Shi Wei, Venus Shi Lan, Shi Jian grass, Liu, stone back

Medicinal parts: the blade

Medicinal traits: Mount Lu Shiwei: blade slightly shrunken, flat after a long lanceolate, 10 to 25cm, width of 3 ~ 5cm. Apex acuminate, base auriculate oblique, margin entire, margin often curled inward; surface yellowish green or grayish green, dotted with black round concave points; lower surfaces densely red-brown stellate hairs, some with lateral veins between brown polka dot shape sori. Petiole with four edges, 10 ~ 20cm, 1.5 ~ 3mm in diameter, slightly twisted, has a longitudinal slot. Leaf blade leathery. Gas micro, taste slightly astringent. Farwell: leaf blade lanceolate or long circle wraps around needle form, long 8 ~ 12cm, width of 1 ~ 3cm. Base cuneate, symmetry. Sori in lateral vein, tight arrangement. Petiole length 5 ~ 10cm, diameter of about 1.5mm. Pyrrosia petiolosa: blade crimp barrel shape, after flattening an oblong or ovate-oblong, length 3 ~ 8cm, l ~ 2.5cm. Base cuneate, symmetry. The lower surface of lateral veins inconspicuous, covered with sporangia. Petiole length 3 ~ 12cm, diameter of about 1mm.

Main points of cultivation:

Origin: Zhejiang, Hubei, Hebei

Recovery processing: collected all the year round. Removal of rhizome and root, dried in the sun or shade.

Authentic history:

Tropism of taste: bitter, slightly cold; Gan; lung, bladder

Functions: urination, clearing heat and hemostasis. For hot, blood flow, urolithiasis, urinary obstruction, dripping and pain, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria, metrorrhagia, pulmonary hot asthma coughs.

Usage & Dosage: orally taken: decoction, 9 ~ 15g, or into the pill, powder. External: moderate, grind end coating.

Taboo: Yin deficiency and damp-heat disable.

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